@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000533, author = {塩田, みどり and Shioda, Midori and 入江, 多津子 and Irie, Tazuko}, issue = {17}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {重症心身障害児の看護については,病院・施設で行われていたものが,近年自宅療養にて療育されてきている傾向がある.今日,訪問看護が新人教育に力を入れてきている⁶⁾.他の小児より理解やケアが特殊な重症心身障害児の看護技術について学生時代に知識を修得することが望ましいと考えられる.そこで今回,小児看護を学ぶにおいて,比較的よく使われている教科書にどのように学習内容が記載されているか比較し,よりよい教育方法について考察した., Nursing care for children with SMID (severe motor and intellectual disabilities), which used to be provided in hospitals and facilities, has recently tended to be provided at home.Today, home-visit nurses are putting a lot of effort into educating newcomers. It is thought that it is desirable to acquire knowledge about nursing skills for severely mentally and children with SMID , whose understanding and care are more specialized than those of other children, during their school days. Therefore, this time, in the study of pediatric nursing, we compared how the learning contents are described in textbooks that are relatively frequently used, and considered a better teaching method.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {重症心身障害児の看護についての教科書比較}, year = {2023}, yomi = {シオダ, ミドリ and イリエ, タヅコ} }