@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000526, author = {菊池, 真弓 and Kikuchi, Mayumi and 若澤, 弥生 and Wakazawa, Yayoi}, issue = {16}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究の目的は、看護学生が「生活者」として患者を理解した内容を国内の文献から明らかにし,臨地 実習において学生を指導する上での示唆を得ることである.文献は医学中央雑誌Web版とCiNii Articles を使用し「臨地実習」「看護学生」「生活者」「対象理解」をキーワード検索し,目的に合致した 21件を分析 対象とした。結果,看護学生が看護の対象を病気の治療をうける患者ではなく「生活者」として理解した 内容として【疾患を持ちながらの日常生活】【その人の生活習慣】【その人の家族】【その人の信念】【その人の 社会的な側面】【その人の経済的な側面】の6つのカテゴリに分類することができた.看護学生が捉えた患 者の情報の中から,なぜ患者はその生活習慣を守りたいのか,なぜそのような思いを持ったのかを指導に 当たる教員は看護学生と共に考え,患者との直接的な経験をリフレクションさせることにより看護学生の 「生活者」として患者を理解する支援となることが示唆された., The purpose of this study is to clarify the content of nursing students' understanding of patients as "ordinary persons" from domestic literature and to obtain suggestions for teaching students in clinical practice. The literature was searched using the Web version of the Central Medical Magazine and CiNii Articles using the keywords "clinical practice," "nursing students," "ordinary persons," and "object understanding," and analyzed 21 cases that matched the purpose. In this study, we conducted a literature review on understanding recipients of nursing care as "ordinary persons" rather than patients undergoing treatment for illness by nursing students in clinical training. The articles fell into the following six categories: "daily life with illness," "lifestyle of each person," "family of each person," "beliefs of each person," "social aspect of each person," and "financial aspect of each person." The results suggest that nursing students' understanding of "ordinally persons" is facilitated by thinking together with the students about why the patient wants to keep his/her lifestyle and why he/she has such a thought based on patient information perceived by the nursing students and letting them reflect on their direct experiences with the patients.}, pages = {285--296}, title = {臨地実習における看護学生の「生活者」の理解に関する文献検討}, year = {2022}, yomi = {キクチ, マユミ and ワカサワ, ヤヨイ} }