@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000522, author = {山下, 知子 and Yamashita, Tomoko and 渡部, 幸子 and Watanabe, Sachiko}, issue = {16}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {2019年より持続する世界的な新型コロナウイルス感染により,看護学生の感染予防と健康管理のために 看護学科において検温アプリ「Metell」を導入した.その成果や感染に対する学生の不安の内容を把握す る目的で,各学年のクラスルームで「グーグルフォーム」を用いて調査を行った.回収率は,147名(34%) であった.各項目を単純集計した他,内容ごとに分類した.その結果,看護学生は対面授業,大学の設備 における不安,メンタル面や体調の不調を感じていることを把握した.また,看護学生は看護教育で学習 した感染予防策を活用し,感染を防御していることがわかった., Due to the global outbreak of the new coronavirus that is persisting from 2019, the nursing department has introduced the temperature monitoring application 「Metell」to prevent infection and manage the health of nursing students. In order to understand the results of the survey and the nature of the students' concerns about the infection, a survey was conducted in the classrooms of each grade using the "Google Form". The response was obtained from147 students (34%). Each item was categorized according to the contents as well as totaling. The results showed that nursing students felt anxiety about in person classes, university facilities, and mental and physical health problems. It was also found that nursing students used the infection prevention measures they learned in their nursing education to protect themselves from infection.}, pages = {247--256}, title = {コロナ禍における看護学生の不安と感染予防 -看護学科学生へのアンケート調査から-}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ヤマシタ, トモコ and ワタナベ, サチコ} }