@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000470, author = {佐久間, 浩美 and Sakuma, Hiromi and 池谷, 壽夫 and Ikeya, Hisao and 江黒, 友美 and Eguro, Tomoyoshi and 藤原, 昌太 and Fujiwara, Shota}, issue = {15}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究においては,看護大学における養護教諭養成の実践力の育成について検討するため,教職実践演習で取り組んだ「いじめ防止教育」の成果を,授業を受けた生徒の変化より評価した.授業を受けた生徒は,授業1週間後には,「自己主張性」「セルフエスティーム」を向上させ,「ストレス反応」を低下させていた.さらに,男子は,いじめを容認する態度が改まり,女子は,いじめを止める自己効力感を向上させていた.また,自分の身近にいじめがあった時にどうするのかとの問いに,いじめを止めるとの前向きな回答が増えていた.以上のことより,本研究で行なった「いじめ防止教育」は,高校生のいじめ抑止に効果があったことが示された.これらの結果から,看護大学における養護教諭養成課程の教職実践演習で授業実践を取り入れることは,養護教諭の保健教育に関わる実践力育成に有効である可能性が示唆された., Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to examine how the high school students, whom students of the school nurse training course offered the bullying prevention program in the practical seminar for teaching profession, developed the skills for the “bullying prevention”. Methods: The effectiveness of bullying prevention program was evaluated by the changes occurred after the bullying prevention program was offered at one high school. Results: The students who took the program improved their "self-assertion" and "self-esteem", and decreased "stress response" after one week of the program. In addition, the male students changed their attitude to tolerate acting on bullying. The female students improved their self-efficacy to intervene bullying. Moreover, asked what to do when bullying was happening close to them, they gave many positive ideas of resolutions to stop bullying. Discussion and Conclusion:  It was shown that the educational program for "bullying prevention" conducted in this study was effective to decrease a number of incidents of bullying amongst the high school students. In summary, it was suggested that incorporating the bullying prevention program into the practical seminar for teaching profession might be effective to develop for students of the school nurse training course practical competencies related to health education.}, pages = {141--152}, title = {看護を基盤とした養護教諭養成における養護実践力育成の検討 〜いじめ防止教育の実践と評価~}, year = {2021}, yomi = {サクマ, ヒロミ and イケヤ, ヒサオ and エグロ, トモヨシ and フジワラ, ショウタ} }