@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000469, author = {橋本, 和幸 and Hashimoto, Kazuyuki and 吉岡, 秀晃 and Yoshioka, Hideaki}, issue = {15}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,自費で自己研鑽のために受講する研修会を受講した公立学校の教員に対して,受講のきっかけや受講後の変化を調査することを目的とする.第二筆者は,2015年より学校教員向けの研修会を開催している.その内容は,リスクマネジメントについての集団討議,良好なリレーションシップを作る取り組み,リーダーシップを育てる取り組み,チームビルディングのワーク,自分自身を知るためのワークなどである.第二筆者の研修会に継続して参加した経験がある4名の小学校教員を調査協力者としてインタビュー調査を行った.調査協力者それぞれの発言を逐語化して,KJ法を参考にしながら分類・整理した.そして,参加のきっかけや参加後の変化などをモデル化した.この結果,【受講のきっかけ】【受講者の課題・特徴】【ワーク内容】【研修会で得たもの】【受講後の気づき】【受講後の変化】【危機場面での対応例】【今後の研修会への期待】という8個の大カテゴリが抽出された.カテゴリ同士の関係は次の通りであった.①調査協力者4名に共通する受講のきっかけがあった.②調査協力者たちの課題・特徴は様々であった.③受講者には,焦点化のワークおよび講師や他の参加者からのフィードバックから自己変容(気づきや行動の変化)が生まれていた.今後の課題として,校種,年代,校内分掌による共通点や相違点を把握するために,調査協力者をさらに募ることが必要であると考える., The purpose of this study was to investigate motive for the four elementary school teachers to participate in the self-improvement workshop. This study was also to find whether or not there was a change in the participants after attending it. The workshop was held since 2015; it was designed for the school teachers. The contents of the workshop were managing the risks including discussion, establishing desirable relationships, nurturing the leadership skills, learning about the team building and self-discovery. The primary method of the study was to conduct the interviews for the four elementary school teachers after completion of attending the workshop. The remarks of each participant’s verbatim were classified and organized with the reference to the K. J. technigne. As a result, the following eight major categories were established. They were the motive of the participation, the specific issues, the contents to practice, the benefits of the workshop, the elevated conscientiousness, the changes, the crisis response and the expectation for the future workshop. In conclusion, the study could be summarized in the three focuses. First, all four participants attended the workshop for the same reason. Secondly, each participant had the different and specific issues. Finally, all four participants experienced self-transformation; the teachers were able to apply what they learned to their career. Moreover, the feedback from the other participants helped for them to change. Further, a systematic trial might be necessary to invite participants in order to understand the similarities and differences between school types, ages and divisions within the school.}, pages = {123--140}, title = {自己研鑽のための研修会受講の効果 -小学校教員4名の事例をもとに-}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ハシモト, カズユキ and ヨシオカ, ヒデアキ} }