@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000467, author = {佐久間, 浩美 and Sakuma, Hiromi and 池谷, 壽夫 and Ikeya, Hisao and 江黒, 友美 and Eguro, Tomoyoshi and 菅沼, 德夫 and Suganuma, Norio}, issue = {15}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {A市中学生1532名を対象に,緊急事態宣言解除後の2020年6月から7月にインターネット利用についての調査を行なった.緊急事態宣言中に,インターネットの動画・情報検索,SNS,ネットゲームを合わせた合計利用時間は,331分(5時間31分),学校が再開された平日で184分(3時間4分)であり,多くの生徒が,緊急事態宣言時にインターネットを長時間利用していたことが示された.インターネット依存については,不適応使用者が27.2%,病的使用者が12.6%おり,40.0%近くの生徒がインターネット依存に関する課題があることが分かった.また,学年別では学年が上がるにつれインターネット依存が増え,インターネット利用上の問題が表面化していた.今後は,インターネット依存に関する要因を詳細に分析し,実態に沿ったインターネット依存予防教育を行う必要がある., A survey was conducted regarding the internet usage of 1,532 middle school students in the City A between the period of June and July of 2020. During the state of emergency, the total usage time of Internet video / information retrieval, social networking service (SNS) and online games per day was 331 minutes (5 hours 31 minutes). When the school was reopened, the students spent 184 minutes daily (3 hours 4 minutes) on the weekdays. The results revealed that many students used the Internet for an extensive period of time while they were self-restraint at home. Related to the Internet addiction, 27.2% of the students were found to be maladapted. For those who became difficult in sustaining usual daily living were 12.6%. Therefore, nearly 40% of the students were considered as addicted to the internet. The survey results found that the rate of Internet addiction increased as the grade advanced. The highly dependent internet use seemed to be problematic. In summary, further investigation might be required to analyze the factors causing the Internet addiction in more details. Meanwhile, preventative education might have to be provided for the students.}, pages = {97--112}, title = {中学生のSNS及びインターネット利用の実態に関する検討 第二報}, year = {2021}, yomi = {サクマ, ヒロミ and イケヤ, ヒサオ and エグロ, トモヨシ and スガヌマ, ノリオ} }