@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000462, author = {田村, 哲也 and Tamura, Tetsuya and 下小野田, 一騎 and Shimoonoda, Kazuki}, issue = {15}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {小児骨折は,不全骨折となることが多い.また多少の転位がある骨折においても骨のリモデリングに期待して,保存的治療を選択することが多い.小児の上腕骨近位部骨折は比較的まれな骨折であるため,転位の許容度など不明な点が少なくない.本研究では整形外科クリニックを受診した小児の上腕骨近位部骨折の保存的治療を紹介し,小児骨折における施術のあり方について検討する.本報告では骨片転位の大きさの違いによって仮骨の出現時期や骨硬化など治癒経過に差はあるものの,最終的に骨癒合が認められた.今後も小児骨折の特徴を把握しながら,自家矯正力の限界を見極め,慎重に対応していくことが必要だと考える., Bones of children were consistently in the growing process. When they were broken, remodeling abilities were evident. Therefore, remodeling of the fractured bones could be in their healing processes even in the cases of some displaced fractures. Because of their incomplete fractures, we often chose conservative treatment. Since the proximal part of the fracture of the humerus was seldom occurred, the amplitude of the bone chip derangement might be unknown.  Children who consulted with an orthopedic clinic for the fracture of the proximal part of the humerus were rare. This study introduced the case that paid its attention to the remodeling of bones. The conservative treatment was also examined with regard to the remodeling toward the prevention of the fractures of the pediatric population in the future.  Synostosis was found although there was a difference in a healing process of the callus formation or osteosclerosis. In summary, prognosis of the children’s fracture was appreciable; it might be required to provide the careful intervention until the characteristics of the pediatric fractures were well understood.  Further, the intervention might have to considered the limitations of the abilities that bones remodel and develop for the complete recovery.}, pages = {31--38}, title = {小児の上腕骨近位部骨折の保存的治療}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タムラ, テツヤ and シモオノダ, カズキ} }