@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000459, author = {下小野田, 一騎 and Shimoonoda, Kazuki and 桐林, 俊彰 and Kiribayashi, Toshiaki and 上野, 大樹 and Ueno, Taiki and 養父, 琴美 and Yofu, Kotomi and 田村, 哲也 and Tamura, Tetsuya}, issue = {16}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {Mar}, note = {指中手指節関節(以下,MP関節)脱臼は比較的まれである外傷であるが,渉猟しえた限りMP関節脱 臼を合併した橈骨遠位端骨折の報告はない.立位から転倒し,手掌をついて倒れると手からの介達外力 で橈骨遠位端は長軸圧をうけ,かつ強度の背屈が強制され,掌側凸の屈曲力が加わるため骨折が生じる. この際,MP関節には外力が働かず脱臼が生じない.今回,示指MP関節脱臼を合併した橈骨遠位端骨折 の症例を経験した.右示指・右手関節のROM(関節可動域)制限は認めるが,痛みを認めず,他の指と の自動運動が可能であり,ADLに支障を認めず特に不便なく日常生活をおくっていて患者の満足度は高 かったため良好な結果であった.本症例は86歳男性.主訴は右手関節痛.2019年5月29日転倒し右手関節 をつき受傷.右手関節痛を訴え,6月4日近医受診.初診時単純X線で橈骨遠位端骨折の診断となり,6月6 日当院紹介となった.6月20日単純X線で転位の進行を認めたが,ROM制限の可能性を伝え同意を得てこ のまま経過観察とした.7月11日ギプス除去し,ROM訓練を行った直後から他指に比し示指MP関節の著 明な屈曲制限を認めたため,Xpを施行し,示指MP関節の背側脱臼を認めた.7月30日他院で観血的脱臼 整復術施行,リハビリ目的で当院紹介となった.右示指MP関節の著明なROM制限の残存を認めるもの の,明らかな疼痛を認めず,ADLに支障を認めず経過は良好であった.橈骨遠位端骨折治療中にMP関節 のROM制限の合併を認めれば本疾患の合併の可能性を考える必要がある., Dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint (MP joint) is a relatively rare trauma. We report a case of distal radius fracture with dislocation of the index finger MP joint. Case: an 86-year-old man. The chief complaint: right wrist joint pain. Current medical history: May 29, 2019 he fell and injured with right wrist joint. He complained of a right wrist joint pain and visited a doctor on June 4. At the first visit, the diagnosis of distal radius fracture was made by plain X-ray, and the cast was fixed. Therefore, the patient was referred to our clinic on June 6. Progression 2 of dislocation was observed at X-ray on June 20, but the possibility of ROM( Range of motion)restriction was communicated and consent was obtained for follow-up. Immediately after the cast was removed on July 11 and ROM training was performed, a marked ROM restriction was observed in MP joint of the index finger. Therefore, when X-ray was performed, dorsal dislocation of the index finger MP joint was observed. On the same day, he was introduced to another hospital for the purpose of surgery. On July 30, surgery was performed. He was introduced to our clinic for the purpose of rehabilitation. As of March 26, 2020, although ROM restrictions were recognized, no ADL problems were observed. If ROM restriction of MP joints is observed during treatment for distal radius fracture, it is necessary to consider the possibility of complication of dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {橈骨遠位端骨折に示指MP関節脱臼を合併した1症例}, year = {2022}, yomi = {シモオノダ, カズキ and キリバヤシ, トシアキ and ウエノ, タイキ and ヨフ, コトミ and タムラ, テツヤ} }