@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000446, author = {野田, 哲由 and Noda, Tetsuyoshi and 上岡, 尚代 and kamioka, Naoyo}, issue = {14}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {佐藤式加圧トレーニングが今では一般的になり,筋力トレーニングではトップアスリートから一般人に,リハビリテーション分野,高齢者の介護予防分野など幅広くトレーニング方法として使用されている.今回は,佐藤式加圧トレーニングを進化させたマルチカフ加圧トレーニング(センサーを組み込んで加圧トレーニング中に加圧強度を自動調整できる器械式加圧トレーニング)が,佐藤式加圧トレーニングと同じような効果が得られるかを検証した.対象は高齢者6名(男性4名,女性2名.平均年齢73.7+4.41歳).トレーニング方法は自体重でのスクワットとしマルチカフで大腿部を加圧した.トレーニング頻度は週2回,2か月間とした.結果,短期間で佐藤式加圧トレーニングと同じように筋力向上,体力向上(10m障害物歩行,6分間歩行)がみられた., The purpose of the study was to verify whether or not the MC training produced the similar effects to the Sato kaatsu-training. Sato-type kaatsu-training was commonly used for a muscle strengthening method from the top athletes to the general public. The training was also utilized in the fields of rehabilitation and prevention of injuries in the elderly. MC kaatsu-training was developed from Sato kaatsu training. The device gave pressure during strengthening exercises and it automatically adjusted the intensity of the pressurization. The subjects were six elderly people (4 males and 2 females, average age 73.7 + 4.41 years). The training method was a squat with its own weight. The thigh was pressurized with MC and the frequency of the regiment was twice a week for two months. As a result,the study found that the improvement of the muscle strength and physical strength (10m obstacle walking, Six-minute walking) were similar to the Sato kaatsu-training}, pages = {99--104}, title = {高齢者におけるMC加圧トレーニング (マルチカフ加圧トレーニング)の影響について}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ノダ, テツヨシ and カミオカ, ナオヨ} }