@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000437, author = {橋本, 和幸 and Hashimoto, Kazuyuki}, issue = {14}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bullentin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本稿は,2018年度1年間の学生相談室の利用状況を報告するものである.相談内容は,「自分が何をしたいかわからない」と「恋愛」に関するものが最も多かった.来談経路は,自分から思い立って相談員を訪れることが最も多く,次いで相談員の授業を受けたことをきっかけとするが多かった., In this study we reported the use of student counselling during 2018. The content of consultation was the most common moratorium and romantic love. There were many voluntary consultations. Then there were many frequent visits to the consultation route triggered by receiving counselor's lessons.}, pages = {17--22}, title = {2018年度の学生相談室利用状況}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ハシモト, カズユキ} }