@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000416, author = {兎澤, 良輔 and Tozawa, Ryosuke and 浅田, 菜穂 and Asada, Nao and 川口, 沙織 and Kawaguchi, Saori and 川崎, 翼 and Kawasaki, Tsubasa and 中村, 浩 and Nakamura, Hiroshi and 加藤, 宗規 and Katoh, Munenori}, issue = {13}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {【目的】静止画から角度を計測できるスマートフォン(スマホ)アプリケーション(アプリ)を使用した際に,画面の大きさの違い(スマホとタブレット端末)による信頼性と妥当性の変化について測定対象物(固定物に反射マーカ4個を貼付したもの)を用いて検証した.【方法】測定にあたり測定対象物を10個用意した.測定者は理学療法士3名とした.測定対象物を三次元動作解析装置,スマホ,タブレット端末で各3回撮影し,各測定で角度を計測した.得られた結果から各測定の信頼性と三次元動作解析装置との関連性について検討した.【結果】各測定の検者内・検者間信頼性はすべてICC が0.999以上となった.三次元動作解析装置との関連もr = 0.999以上となり,誤差も2°程度であった.【考察】画面の大きさに関わらず,アプリを用いた角度計測は,スマホ,タブレット端末どちらにおいても信頼性,妥当性が高い評価方法であった.【結論】角度計測アプリを用いた測定はスマホ, タブレット端末どちらを用いても臨床に応用できる可能性のある評価方法である., [Purpose] This study was to examine the reliability and validity of the goniometry using a mobile phone application. The study was specifically designed to determine whether or not the size of the screen made any differences in reliability and validity of the goniometric measurement.[Method] Totally 10 objects were used as the markers to create a three dimensional and movable figure on a board for the measurements performed by three physical therapists. The objects were taken pictures for three times with the mobile phone, tablet and three-dimensional motion analysis system. The three examiners measured the angles from the pictures using the application. The angles were analysed the reliability and validity using relative and absolute reliability( Bland-Altman analysis). [Results] The values of the intra-reliability and inter-reliability measured for three times within a day were almost 1.0( ICC( 1, 1) = 0.999 or more). Also, the relationship among the three-dimensional motion analysis system, mobile phone and tablet was close (r = 0.999). The result of error (systematic and random) was two degrees. [Discussion] Despite of the size of the screen, there was little difference in the measurement reliability and validity. [Conclusion] The study would suggest that the utilization of the mobile phone and tablet application might become a part of clinical practise.}, pages = {209--214}, title = {スマートフォンアプリケーションを使用した関節可動域測定の 予備的研究 ―固定物を用いた画面の大きさ(スマートフォン,タブレット端末)の 違いによる信頼性と妥当性の検討―}, year = {2019}, yomi = {トザワ, リョウスケ and アサダ, ナオ and カワグチ, サオリ and カワサキ, ツバサ and ナカムラ, ヒロシ and カトウ, ムネノリ} }