@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000409, author = {佐久間, 浩美 and Sakuma, Hiromi and 藤原, 昌太 and Fujiwara, Shota and 池谷, 壽夫 and Ikeya, Hisao and 江黒, 友美 and Eguro, Tomoyoshi and 出原, 嘉代子 and Dehara, Kayoko}, issue = {13}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,看護系大学における養護教諭養成課程の「養護概論」の科目において,アクティブラーニングを活用した授業の成果を検討することを目的とした.2018年度前期「養護概論」を履修した17名を対象に,15回目に行った授業内容を分析した.評価は,ワークシートの記述,授業終了3か月後に実施した質問紙調査より行った.その結果,多くの学生は,養護教諭の行う養護とは,ただ単に疾病や傷病者への対応だけではなく,子どもの発育・発達の支援を促す教育活動を意味すると理解していた.さらに,授業終了3カ月後には,児童生徒の健康を守り気持ちに寄り添える養護教諭になりたいと回答するものが多くみられた.これらのことより,アクティブラーニングを用いた授業は,学生の養護教諭が行う養護の意味についての理解を深め,養護教諭を目指す意欲を高めることが示された., This study aims to consider the results of classes that utilize active learning in teaching the subject “Introduction to Yogo,” which is part of the Yogo teacher training course in Nursing universities. The study analyzed the contents of the 15th class taught to the 17 students that enrolled for“ Introduction to Yogo” for the first semester of 2018. Evaluation was based on worksheets and the questionnaire survey conducted 3 months after the course ended. As the result, many of the students understood that “Yogo” practiced by the Yogo teachers covered not only dealing with individuals with diseases or injuries, but educational activities that promotes growth and development of children. Furthermore, 3 months after the course ended, many answered that they wished to become a Yogo teacher that protects the students’ health and has the ability to empathize with their feelings. These findings showed that classes that utilize active learning depend the students’ understanding of the meaning of Yogo practiced by the teacher, and heighten their desire to become a Yogo teacher.}, pages = {143--150}, title = {看護を基盤とした養護教諭養成における養護実践力育成の検討 ~アクティブラーニングを用いて「養護」の意味を考えさせる~}, year = {2019}, yomi = {サクマ, ヒロミ and フジワラ, ショウタ and イケヤ, ヒサオ and エグロ, トモヨシ and デハラ, カヨコ} }