@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000403, author = {田村, 哲也 and Tamura, Tetsuya and 下小野田, 一騎 and Shimoonoda, Kazuki}, issue = {13}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {今回我々は手術療法を選択することの多い足関節内果骨折の症例に対して,保存療法を行い良好な結果を経験したため報告する.症例は30歳男性,雨の日に転倒した際,左足を外反強制して受傷.診察時,左足関節部の疼痛,腫脹および運動制限を認め,歩行不能であった.X 線上,左脛骨内果部の骨折を認めた.徒手整復術を行なったが,翌日再転位.再整復を施したが転位は残存した.骨片転位が軽度だったことにより,保存療法を選択した.2週間後に骨折部の矯正を目的とした固定法を施した.骨折部の沈子を厚めにし,足関節に内転強制をかけて,底屈位固定とした.その後転位が矯正され,11週間後には骨癒合が良好となり,関節面の不整も認められなかった.物理療法と理学療法を併用した結果,18週間後には,筋力低下や感覚障害は認められず,関節可動域は足関節背屈20°,底屈40°まで回復した., This case report was about a 30 year-old male (TS) with the left medial malleolus fracture. Radiographs showed the fracture of the medial malleolus. The closed reduction of the fracture was performed; however, a bone chip derangement was remained inside of the medial compartment. A noninvasive therapy was chosen for TS because the bone chip derangement did not cause harm or disabilities. Furthermore, a fixation method was applied in two weeks later. The ankle was corrected with slight inversion and fixed with plantar flexion. The bone chip derangement was gradually improved. 11 weeks later, the fracture was formed a union and the joint surface was healed.18 weeks later, muscle strength and sensory disturbance recovered; the range of motion returned to ankle dorsiflexion 20 degrees, plantar flexion 40 degrees.}, pages = {87--94}, title = {左足関節内果骨折に対する保存療法の一症例}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タムラ, テツヤ and シモオノダ, カズキ} }