@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000394, author = {岡村, 知明 and Okamura, Tomoaki and 田村, 哲也 and Tamura, Tetsuya and 下小野田, 一騎 and Shimoonoda, Kazuki}, issue = {13}, journal = {了德寺⼤学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {手指のロッキングは中手指節関節(MP 関節)での発生が一般的である.しかし近位指節関節(PIP 関節)でのロッキングの報告は少ない.今回PIP 関節ロッキングに対し非観血的治療を施した1例を経験したので報告する.40歳代女性,重い荷物を持ち,手を放そうとしたら左中指が曲がったまま伸びなくなったため来院した.PIP 関節屈曲位で固定され,単純X 線写真では骨折や脱臼等は見受けられなかった.患部に徒手整復術を施し,PIP 関節の屈曲・伸展ともに可能になった.患者が動かすことに対して不安感を抱いていたため,脱着可能な掌側シーネで固定を施し,経過観察となった.今回我々はPIP 関節のロッキングに対して徒手整復術を行い良好な結果を得ることができた.PIP 関節ロッキングの症例報告は少なく原因もさまざまであるが,多くは何らかの外傷がきっかけでロッキングが起きている例が多い.本症例は非外傷性であり,X 線写真でも骨棘などは観察されなかったため,他の報告と比べても稀な症例であった., Locking of fingers was common in the MP joints. This case report was about a 40s female(ST)with a non-invasive treatment for a PIP joint. When ST tried to release ST’s hand after carrying a heavy piece of luggage, ST’s left middle finger stayed bent and ST was unable to straighten the finger. Consequently, ST visited a hospital to be examined. The PIP joint was stabilized at a flexed position in order to take radiographs. The radiographs revealed that there was no fracture or dislocation. Therefore, a manual reduction therapy was performed on the affected area. Then, the PIP joint became allowing in flexion and extension movements. Since ST was anxious about moving the finger actively, the PIP joint was stabilized with detachable palm side cine. After that, the condition was observed through the course of recovery period. The Judo therapy produced an acceptable result for the PIP joint locking. In general, the information about the PIP joint locking was little available and the causes were various. However, the locking was often caused by some types of trauma. The ST’s case was atraumatic and osteophyte was not observed in the radiographs. This case was rare in comparison with other reports.}, pages = {41--44}, title = {左中指にロッキング様症状をきたした症例}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オカムラ, トモアキ and タムラ, テツヤ and シモオノダ, カズキ} }