@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000372, author = {山内, 麻江 and Yamauchi, Asae and 小倉, 久美子 and Ogura, Kumiko}, issue = {12}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,学生が看護技術を習得するにあたって,自身の練習をビデオ映像からフィードバックを得て練習する方法と,教員から口頭でフィードバックを受けて練習する方法とでの技術習得効果の違いを明らかにすることを目的とした.31名の学生を対象に,点滴中の患者の寝衣交換技術の習得状況について,自己評価と無記名自記式アンケート調査を行った.その結果,どちらの練習方法も技術習得に有用であった.ビデオ映像によるフィードバックを活用した練習方法は,自己評価能力の向上や,動機づけを高める効果が確認され,手順やポイントが理解できている技術の反復練習において効果的であることが示唆された.また教員による口頭でのフィードバック効果でも同じく動機づけ機能が確認された.未習得の技術に対しては,ビデオ映像によるフィードバックを活用した練習方法より,教員による口頭でのフィードバックを活用した練習方法の方がより技術の習得効果が高いことが示唆され,今後は双方の利点を活用した技術練習方法を検討していくことが求められた., This research aimed to clarify the difference between the method of training in which nursing students get feedback from watching videos of their own practice and the method of training by getting oral feedback from teachers, on students' acquisition of nursing skills. We asked 31 nursing students to assess the extent to which they mastered the skill of changing hospital gowns of patients receiving infusion treatment and to fill out an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. The results showed that both methods were useful for acquiring this skill. We confirmed that the method of exercise making use of feedback from a video was effective in enhancing their selfassessment ability and motivation. It was also suggested that this method was effective in improving practicing skills of which they had already understood their procedures and key points. We confirmed that oral feedback from teachers was also effective in enhancing students' motivation. The result suggested that oral feedback from teachers was more effective in learning skills that nursing students had not acquired yet than the feedback from a video. We need to continue to examine the method of exercise making use of advantages of both training methods.}, pages = {205--214}, title = {点滴中の患者の寝衣交換技術習得における練習方法の検討 ―ビデオフィードバックと教員からの口頭フィードバックとの比較―}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヤマウチ, アサエ and オグラ, クミコ} }