@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000335, author = {越田, 専太郎 and Koshida, Sentaro and 石井, 孝法 and Ishii, Takanori and 松田, 雅弘 and Matsuda, Tadamitsu and 山田, 利彦 and Yamada, Toshihiko and 金丸, 雄介 and Kanamaru, Yusuke and 橋本, 俊彦 and Hashimoto, Toshihiko}, issue = {11}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {Perceived fear of being thrown could be detrimental in breakfall kinematics and may even increase the risk of judorelated head injuries. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between perceived fear during the breakfall movement and its kinematics in novice judokas. Eight experienced and 10 novice judokas volunteered to participate. The novice participants were assigned to “fear” or “no-fear” groups using a 5-rank Likert scale. The breakfall motion data was collected at 500 Hz using three-dimensional motion analysis. Neck, trunk, right/left hip, and right/left knee joint angles in the sagittal plane and peak neck extension momentum were calculated, as described previously. A Kruskal–Wallis test with pairwise comparison was performed for group comparison (P < 0.05). We did not find significant differences in all but left knee angles between the two groups of novice judokas, while there were significant differences in most of the selected kinematic parameters among novice judokas and the experienced judokas. There was also no significant difference in the peak neck extension momentum between the groups of novice judokas. This study indicates that a perceived fear of the breakfall movement may not be greatly associated with the breakfall kinematics or possible risk of injury in novice judokas., 大外刈に対する恐怖感は適切な受け身動作の習得を妨げ, 頭部外傷発生のリスクを高める可能性がある.本研究の目的は, 柔道初心者における大外刈への恐怖感の有無と受身動作のキネマティクスとの関連を明らかにすることであった. 10人の男子大学生柔道初心者および8人の柔道熟練者が本測定に参加した. 大外刈に対する受け身動作を3次元動作解析装置により測定し,頸部, 体幹, 股関節, 膝関節の矢状面角度変化および頸部伸展運動量を算出した. また, 大外刈への恐怖感を5段階のリッカート尺度で回答させ, 初心者の対象を「恐怖感有り」群, 「恐怖感無し」群, に群分けした. Kruskal–WallisテストおよびSteel-Dwass法による対比較により各測定変数を3群間で比較した(P < 0.05). 初心者群間では左膝角度を除き, 受け身動作時の関節角度の有意な違いは認められなかった. また, 最大頸部伸展運動量についても初心者群間において恐怖感の有無による差は認められなかった. 本研究の結果, 柔道初心者において大外刈に対する恐怖感と受け身動作のキネマティクスとの関連は認められなかった.}, pages = {203--211}, title = {大外刈への恐怖感の有無は柔道初心者における受け身動作のキネマティクスと関連するか? : 予備的研究}, year = {2017}, yomi = {コシダ, センタロウ and イシイ, タカノリ and マツダ, タダミツ and ヤマダ, トシヒコ and カナマル, ユウスケ and ハシモト, トシヒコ} }