@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000329, author = {川崎, 翼 and Kawasaki, Tsubasa and 兎澤, 良輔 and Tozawa, Ryosuke and 荒巻, 英文 and Aramaki, Hidefumi}, issue = {11}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究の目的は,得た運動スキルの言語化が運動学習を促進するかどうかを明らかにすることであった.参加者は大学生18名であり,言語化群とコントロール群に割りつけられた.2つの球を非利き手で回す課題を運動学習課題とした.言語化群が4分間球回しを練習した後,得た運動スキルについて,ビデオカメラに向かって話をさせた.その直後,2分後,1日後の1分間の球回し回数と落下回数を測定した.コントロール群は,4分間の練習後の2分間科学雑誌を音読した.言語化群が話をしている時間はビデオを見返すことで確認した.分析は,言語化群とコントロール群のパフォーマンスに対して分散分析,球回し回数と話をした時間の相関分析を実施した.その結果,球回しの改善回数は,コントロール群に比べて言語化群の方が有意に多かった.また,言語化群が話をしていた時間と鉄球回しの改善回数に有意な相関を認めた.本研究結果から,運動スキルを言語化することによって運動学習が促進されることが示され,リハビリテーション効果を高める介入になることが期待される., The purpose of this study is to investigate the beneficial effects of verbalizing acquired motor skill on motor learning. Eighteen young adults participated in this study. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups (the verbalizing group and the control group). First, the participants practiced two balls rotation task on the left hand for four minutes to familiarize themselves with the ball rotation task. Next, the participants’ ball rotation performance (the times of ball rotation and times of dropping it) was measured for one minute (Pre). Then, the verbalizing group talked about the motor skills acquired by the ball rotation practice. On the other hand, the control group read scientific magazine aloud for the same length of time as talking in the verbalizing group (i.e., two minutes). After the interventions, the participants’ rotation performance was measured immediately, after two minutes and one day after (Post 1, Post 2 and Post 3, respectively). The method of measurement was the same as in Pre measurement. Results showed that, the number of ball rotation was significantly increased in the verbalizing group, but not control group.Also, the improvement frequency of ball rotation in verbalizing group was significantly higher than that in the control group. Additionally, there was a significant relationship between the time for talking and the improvement frequency of ball rotation. On the other hand, frequency of ball drops was not obtained these effects. These results suggest that verbalizing of acquired motor skill has an advantage in terms of frequency of ball rotation which expresses motor smoothness, but not in terms of the frequency of dropping the ball which expresses motor error. And, the relationship also suggests that time length is important to lead the beneficial effects.}, pages = {157--163}, title = {運動スキルを言語表出することによる運動学習効果}, year = {2017}, yomi = {カワサキ, ツバサ and トザワ, リョウスケ and アラマキ, ヒデフミ} }