@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000327, author = {橋本, 和幸 and Hashimoto, Kazuyuki and 倉橋, 朋子 and Kurahashi, Tomoko and 田中, 理恵 and Tanaka, Rie and 上野, 道子 and Ueno, Michiko}, issue = {11}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,公立中学校15校の教員367名と生徒482名を対象とした調査によって,教員のスクールカウンセラー(SC)利用時の満足度と生徒のSC認知との関連を検討した.この結果,教員のSC利用時の満足度と生徒のSCの勤務曜日の認知,相談室来室経験や相談経験とは,負の関連を示した., This study examined relationship between teachers’ degree of satisfaction of the school counselor and students’ recognition of the school counselor in public junior high schools consisting of 367 teachers and 482 students from 15 public junior high schools. Results indicated that students’ know what days of the week their SC worked, their experience of visiting the counseling room and their experience of counseling had negative relationships to teachers’ recommending the school counselor’s services to students, their use of counseling, and the degree of satisfaction to them.}, pages = {131--145}, title = {全校配置期における公立中学校教員のスクールカウンセラー利用時の満足度と生徒のスクールカウンセラー認知との関連}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ハシモト, カズユキ and クラハシ, トモコ and タナカ, リエ and ウエノ, ミチコ} }