@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000321, author = {角田, 佳貴 and Tsunoda, Yoshiki and 田村, 哲也 and Tamura, Tetsuya}, issue = {11}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {柔道整復師国家試験(以下,柔整国試)は現在まで24回実施されている. 第24回柔整国試においては受験者数が7122名で合格率は64.3%であった.柔道整復師を養成する学校において,最終目的は国家試験合格による免許取得にある.当大学においても合格率100%を目指して国家試験対策に取り組んでいる現状があり,教科ごとの出題傾向の把握は必要不可欠となった.柔整国試は必修問題30問と一般問題200問で構成されている. 解剖学は柔道整復理論に次ぐ問題数の多い科目であり,国試対策においても大変重要な科目として位置づけられている.本調査では第14回~第24回までの柔道整復師国家試験科目・解剖学における出題傾向を明らかにすることを目的とした.方法は柔道整復師教科ガイドラインに沿った全国柔道整復学校協会監修の解剖学の目次に倣い分類し,出題数を必修問題と一般問題に分けて調べた. 結果は必修問題で最も多く出題されていたのは骨格系であった. 次いで筋系, 心脈管系の順であった. 一般問題で最も多く出題されていたのは筋系であった. 次いで骨格系, 末梢神経系の順であった. 今回の結果から解剖学では柔道整復師の業務の特性を考慮した問題が出題されていることがわかった.今後は解剖学の出題傾向に対応した授業や問題演習を行うことで,国家試験合格に向けた学習の質の向上につなげていきたいと考える., The national examination for judo therapy practitioners has been carried out 24 times to date. In the 24th national exam,the number of examinees was 7122 and the passing rate was 64.3%. The objective for educational institutions is for the students to pass the national examination and acquire their license.At our university as well, we are currently working on national examination measures aiming at a passing rate of 100%,so comprehension of the questions in each subject has become indispensable.The national exam consists of 30 questions on compulsory issues and 200 questions on general issues.Judo therapy related theoretical questions appeared most frequently followed by anatomical based questions.The purpose of this survey is to clarify the tendency of anatomy based question in the national examination from the 14th to the 24th.The method is classified according to the table of contents of the anatomical textbook supervised by the National Judo Doctor School Association according to their guidelines.We examined the number of questions divided into compulsory questions and general questions.In the compulsory questions,those referring to the skeletal system was most frequently asked.Then the muscular system and the cardiovascular system followed descending in frequency in the compulsory section.It was the problem of the musculature based question appeared with the most frequency followed by the skeletal system,then the peripheral nervous system in the general section of analyzed exams.Based on the results of this study,it was found that there was a high tendency towards anatomical based Judo therapy questions occurred regularly during the examined.In the future,I would like to improve the quality of learning towards passing the national exam by giving the students exercises corresponding for an anatomical nature.}, pages = {63--67}, title = {柔道整復師国家試験に出題された問題の傾向 ―解剖学に着目して―}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ツノダ, ヨシキ and タムラ, テツヤ} }