@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000313, author = {下小野田, 一騎 and Shimoonoda, Kazuki and 石丸, 圭荘 and Ishimaru, Keisou and 田辺, 達磨 and Tanabe, Tatsuma and 桐林, 俊彰 and Kiribayashi, Toshiaki and 末吉, 祐介 and Sueyoshi, Yusuke and 了德寺, 健二 and Ryotokuji, Kenji}, issue = {11}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {ストレスフリー療法(以下SF療法)は体表点に遠赤外線波長で50℃未満の熱刺激を間欠的に与えることでストレス反応を低減させる新しい治療法である.今回,変形性膝関節症(以下膝OA)に対してSF療法を行い,臨床症状の改善・関節液中の炎症性サイトカイン値の変化を認めた症例を経験した.症例は75歳男性.平成24年10月から膝痛を認め,平成24年初診.膝OAの診断で治療を受けていた.既往歴に慢性腎不全がある.この症例に対し,SF療法治療器で照射を行った.各Phase 0,2,4週(W)に痛みの指標となるVisual Analogue Scale(以下VAS)を測定した.Phase 1(保存療法)とPhase 3(保存療法+SF療法)0w,4w後に採取した関節液中のTNFα・IL6値をEIA(enzyme immunoassay)法で測定した.JOA score(膝関節の疾患に対しての整形外科的な身体機能の判定基準)は各Phase0W,4Wの施療前に測定した.VAS・JOA scoreはPhase 3 4wで改善を認めた.関節液中TNFα・IL6値は,Phase 1 4wで上昇を認め,Phase 3 4wで低下を認めた.本症例では保存療法にSF療法を併用することで炎症性サイトカインを抑制し臨床症状の改善が期待できることが示唆された., This study was aimed to develop a novel, non-invasive treatment system, named ”Stress-Free Therapy® (SFTherapy)”,which may be able to reduce pain, and improve visual analogue scale (VAS) scores in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA).We reported a 75-year-old man with knee OA. He received SF-Therapy on the foot for 30 min once a week for four weeks using a stress- free apparatus (infrared wavelength, 9,000– 12,000 nm; power, 30 mW). VAS was evaluated at 0 and 4 weeks before and after treatment. Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score was evaluated at 0 and 4 weeks just before the start of the program. Synovial fluid cytokines (TNFα・IL6) were evaluated at 0 and 4 weeks after treatment. In response to therapy, VAS decreased after the 4-week program in the conservative treatment plus SF-Therapy group. JOA scores increased after the 4-week program in the conservative treatment plus SF-Therapy group. Synovial fluid cytokines (TNFα・IL6) decreased after the 4-week program in the conservative treatment plus SF-Therapy group. This study suggests that the conservative treatment plus SF-Therapy system can suppress the inflammatory cytokines of patients with knee OA,and improve VAS and JOA scores.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {ストレスフリー療法の有効性を認めた変形性膝関節症の1例 ―炎症性サイトカインを指標として―}, year = {2017}, yomi = {シモオノダ, カズキ and イシマル, ケイソウ and タナベ, タツマ and キリバヤシ, トシアキ and スエヨシ, ユウスケ and リョウトクジ, ケンジ} }