@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000291, author = {川崎, 翼 and Kawasaki, Tsubasa and 荒巻, 英文 and Aramaki, Hidefumi and 兎澤, 良輔 and Tozawa, Ryosuke and 盆子原, 秀三 and Bonkohara, Shuzo}, issue = {10}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,未習熟な手本の観察が運動学習を促進する背景を検討するために視線行動を分析した.健常成人7名が対象となり,鉄球回し映像における未習熟手本と習熟手本を30秒間観察した.両手本の観察後には実際に鉄球回しを経験するが,その前後に,どちらの手本が有益な手本と思うか質問した.観察中の視線行動は指,鉄球,掌に分けて視線を向けている割合から,未習熟手本と習熟手本の視線行動の違いを検証した.手本の有益性に関しては,選んだ手本の人数を分析した.実験の結果,未習熟手本と習熟手本には視線行動に有意な違いを認めず,鉄球に視線が有意に向いていた.観察後の鉄球回しを行った後は,未習熟手本が有益と答える人数が有意に多かった.本研究結果は,未習熟手本観察による運動学習効果の背景に視線行動は関与しないことを示唆した.また,未習熟手本が有益と考える人数が多いという結果は,未習熟手本には視線行動には表れない観察者と手本のパフォーマンスレベルの類似性が運動イメージ想起を促すことなどの認知的な優位性の存在を示唆した., As a part of research of background of beneficial effects of an unskilled model for motor learning, this work was conducted to identify two objectives. The first was to examine eye movement difference during observation of skilled or unskilled finger coordination tasks. The skilled performance showed smoothness, while the unskilled performance exhibited clumsiness. The second was to test a difference in subjective impression regarding the two models. Seven young adults participated in this study. Participants’ eye movements were measured during observation of unskilled and skilled model for 30 seconds. After the observation, they executed a ball rotation task. Before and after the execution, the participants were asked which model was more efficient in teaching the ball rotation task. The results showed that there was no eye movement difference during observation of the two models. After the observation, the unskilled model was significantly more efficient based on the participants’ choice. In conclusion, a beneficial effect of the unskilled observation is not related to eye behavior. However, taking into consideration the participants’ choice, in the process of acquiring motor skills, the unskilled model may be related to some cognitive processes which do not involve eye movement.}, pages = {163--168}, title = {運動スキルの異なる運動観察中の視線行動}, year = {2016}, yomi = {カワサキ, ツバサ and アラマキ, ヒデフミ and トザワ, リョウスケ and ボンコハラ, シュウゾウ} }