@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000267, author = {細谷, 惠志 and Hosoya, Keishi}, issue = {9}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {山崎闇斎(1619-1682)は朱子(1130-1200)の哲学の中核といってよい理というものを意識している.当然理は森羅万象,人事に至るまですべてに一貫して備わるものであるが,闇斎が『文会筆録』中に引いたものは『近思録』,『小学』,『大学』であり,朱子の学問を忠実に学び取ろうとした跡が窺える.闇斎の生きた江戸前期と明代初期とがある意味で共通性を持っていたのではないだろうか.胡居仁(1431-1484)の真に学問を追究する姿勢は,闇斎の学問の視点を重なり合うものがあった.名利のための学問,あるいは学問のための学問,つまり文献学的な空疎なものでなく,内面を涵養するための学問的手法を朱子学の中から導きだしたといえる. この初期明学によって,人心を強く意識するようになったのではないかと推論する.すなわち人たるの本性を知り,人たるの本務を実践することを求めた闇斎学の一端を胡居仁から受けていることの証でもある., Yamazaki Ansai(1619-1682) was conscious of the li(理), which can be considered to be a core concept in the philosophies of Zhu Xi (1130-1200). While the li(理) applies to all things in nature including mankind, Bunkai Hitsuroku shows evidence of efforts by Yamazaki to be faithful to the teachings of Zhu Xi, with the work containing references to Jinsi Lu, Xiao Xue and Da Xue. In a way, it can be suggested that there were some commonalities between the early Ming Dynasty and the early Edo Period (1603-1868), when Yamazaki was alive. Hu Juren’s (1431-1484) attitudes about a true commitment to studying mirrored Yamazaki’s view of studying. These two scholars eschewed both studying for the sake of fame and fortune and studying for the sake of studying – which they considered philologically void – in favor of studying that developed their inner selves. They are said to have both derived their academic techniques from the teachings of Zhu Xi. It can be surmised that these teachings of the early Ming dynasty aroused in these scholars a strong awareness of human nature. Yamazaki sought to learn about man’s true character and carry out man’s duties, and Bunkai Hitsuroku is evidence that he received insight into these matters from Hu Juren.}, pages = {216--209}, title = {山崎闇斎『文会筆録』に見る明代朱子学 : 胡居仁を中心として}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ホソヤ, ケイシ} }