@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000259, author = {橋本, 和幸 and Hashimoto, Kazuyuki and 上野, 道子 and Ueno, Michiko and 田中, 理恵 and Tanaka, Rie and 倉橋, 朋子 and Kurahashi, Tomoko}, issue = {9}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,公立中学校15校の教員367名への質問紙調査からスクールカウンセラーの活動の有効性を検討したものである.この結果,教員の約半数が生徒と保護者に利用をすすめた経験があった.また,教員はSCに「情緒不安定」や「不登校」などへの対応を期待し,約9割が現状以上の回数の勤務を望んでいた.さらに,アドバイスとともに,教員のしんどさに共感する対応が有効として,希望することは教員への情報提供であった., This study examined the effectiveness of the school counselor by research on participants consisted of 367 teachers from 15 public junior high schools. Results indicated that approximately half of the teaching staff had recommended the school counselor’s services to students and parents. Participants’ expectations from the school counselor included handling “labile affect”, “school nonattendance”, and so on. Concerning the working style, about 90 percent of the teaching staff wished the school counselor would work more times than the present condition. The free responses indicated that empathy for teachers’ difficulties and advices that the school counselor gave regarding specific methods to deal with problems were the most effective. It was also noted that the provision of information to teachers was clearly requested.}, pages = {143--157}, title = {公立中学校教員の視点からのスクールカウンセラー活動の有効性}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ハシモト, カズユキ and ウエノ, ミチコ and タナカ, リエ and クラハシ, トモコ} }