@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000256, author = {中澤, 明美 and Nakazawa, Akemi and 金森, 昭憲 and Kanamori, Akinori and 佐藤, みつ子 and Sato, Mitsuko}, issue = {9}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {了德寺大学美術学科と看護学科教員の共同研究として,特別養護老人ホームで生活する認知症高齢者7人を対象に全10回の「コラージュ」制作を実施した.対象者の感情表出を点数化し,その推移を追った.結果,対象者7人とも肯定的感情が否定的感情を上回った.概ね全員が,コラージュ制作に関心を示し楽しんで取り組み多くの笑顔がみられた.ただし,コラージュ制作が認知症の心理・行動症状の低減や日常生活の機能回復につながったのかは明らかではない.「コラージュ療法」としての有効性の検討については今後の課題である., As a joint project of department of art and department of nursing in Ryotokuji University, effects of the collage picture for elderly dementia persons living in special nursing homes were studied. Seven subjects were enrolled in the study, and they conducted the collage picture at 10 times. Feeling expressions obtained from their collage pictures were scored, and transitions of their feeling expressions were chased by changes of collage pictures. As the results, the most part of subjects were approached to the collage picture with interesting, enjoying and smiling, and all subjects were exhibited positive feelings more than negative feelings. However, it was not clarify that the collage picture effected to decrease in behavioral psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) or to improve of Barthel Index for elderly dementia persons. Therefore, future studies are necessary to verify effects of the collage picture for elderly dementia persons.}, pages = {117--124}, title = {特別養護老人ホームで生活する認知症高齢者に対する「コラージュ」制作の試み}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ナカザワ, アケミ and カナモリ, アキノリ and サトウ, ミツコ} }