@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000246, author = {上岡, 尚代 and Kamioka, Naoyo and 橋本, 和幸 and Hashimoto, Kazuyuki and 伊藤, マモル and Ito, Mamoru}, issue = {9}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {学校体育の衛生環境が適した状態に保たれる事は学生・生徒の健康を守る意味でも重要である.本研究では学校体育で共用されるスポーツ設備及び用具をAdenosine TriPhosphate(以下,ATPと言う.)ふき取り検査法及び,細菌検査をおこない,グラム染色により微生物を確認した.本研究は,学校体育で学生・生徒が共用するスポーツ用具及び設備の汚染要素を含めた「清浄度」として測定するとともに,微生物を採取し培養,グラム染色し衛生状態の実態を明らかにする事を目的とした.方法は,学校体育で学生・生徒が共用されるとび箱,マット,柔道用畳についてATP拭き取り検査によりRLU値を求めた.また,微生物の拭き取り培養法を行い、グラム染色により微生物の種類を確認した.結果は,とび箱では清浄度Ⅴ~Ⅸ,マットでは清浄度Ⅵ~Ⅷ,畳は清浄度Ⅵ~Ⅶ,柔道着の襟部分は清浄度Ⅶ,柔道着の股部分は清浄度Ⅵ,剣道の面あごあては清浄度Ⅶ,剣道の小手内皮は清浄度Ⅵとすべて汚染傾向を示した.また,ふき取り培養法及びグラム染色の結果は,グラム陰性桿菌やグラム陽性球菌など多様な菌が確認された.今後の課題として,他の培地を使用した検討および嫌気性菌の検出,病原性を有する菌の有無についての検討などが必要である., It is important for protecting the health of the students that the health-related environment of the school gymnasiums is maintained properly. In this study, we conducted the Adenosine Tri Phosphate,(to be given as ATP hereafter), wipe tests and bacteria inspections on the sports equipment and tools that were shared by students in the school gymnasiums. We checked microorganism by "Gram staining". This study, as well as measured as the "cleanliness", including the pollution elements of sports equipment and facilities to share students and students in school physical education, microorganisms were harvested culture, Gram stain and things to clarify the actual situation of hygiene me was the purpose. The method consisted of obtaining the RLU value by means of "ATP wipe tests" on the jump horses, mats and judo tatami-mats that were shared by the students in the school gymnasiums. Moreover, we conducted the "wiping culture method" on microorganism and checked the types of microorganism by "Gram staining". The results we obtained indicated that everything that had been tested had a high degree of contamination: The degree of contamination of the jump horses was Ⅴ~Ⅸ ; that of the mats was Ⅵ~Ⅷ ; that of the tatami-mats wasⅥ~Ⅶ; that of the collars of the judo uniform was VII; that of the crotches of the judo uniform was VI ; that of the Kendo jaw protectors was VII; that of the Kendo "inner skin of the forearms" was VI . Moreover, the results of the "wiping culture method" and "Gram staining" confirmed the presence of many kinds of bacteria, such as Gram-negative bacilli and Gram-positive coccus, etc. It is necessary to follow-up on the tests, using other growth media, as well as to conduct the detection of anaerobic bacteria and the inspection of the presence or absence of bacteria that have pathogenicity.}, pages = {49--56}, title = {学校体育で共用されるスポーツ設備及び用具に付着する菌の状態}, year = {2015}, yomi = {カミオカ, ナオヨ and ハシモト, カズユキ and イトウ, マモル} }