@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000022, author = {穴原, 玲子}, issue = {1}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {Several hormonal and hormone-like exogenous chemicals have been reported to induce the adverse effects of male-reproductive-tissue-development. The ectoplasmic specialization between the Sertoli cell and spermatids (apical ES) is a unique actin based on the junctional structure, which is located at the apical area in the seminiferous tubules. The present study reveals that the effects of anti-androgen flutamide (FLUT) on ICR mouse testes. FLUT induced the deletion of apical ES and the deformation of acrosome of spermatids in the mouse testes. The results suggest the relationship between the levels of testes and the histological changes of testes. Further, the effect of FLUT was seriously bad by the estrogen. The percentages of abnormal spermatids were increased in the FLUT + estrogen treatment rather than in the single treatment of FLUT. The present study may be a key to elucidate the exogenous chemical action of the testis.}, pages = {111--116}, title = {外因性化学物質曝露マウス精巣で見られた形態変化について}, year = {2007}, yomi = {アナハラ, レイコ} }