@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000216, author = {松本, 揚 and Matsumoto, Yo and 岡田, 隆 and Okada, Takashi and 岡田, 尚之 and Okada, Naoyuki and 橋本, 俊彦 and Hashimoto, Toshihiko}, issue = {8}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {足部内在屈筋および足関節周囲筋の重要性を明らかにし,新たなトレーニングやリハビリテーションの立案につなげるために,本研究では様々な競技における競技者の足部内在屈筋および足関節周囲筋の筋力を比較検討した. 対象は男子大学生53名.競技はアイスホッケー,柔道,サッカー,野球,ビーチバレーの4競技を選択した. 測定項目は足部内在屈筋筋力,足関節背屈・底屈・内反・外反筋筋力の5項目とした. 各競技間ではビーチバレー群の足部内在屈筋および足関節周囲筋の筋力が有意に高かった.これは砂浜において裸足で行う競技であることから長時間にわたって足部内在屈筋および足関節周囲筋に高い筋活動が生じる結果と考える. 本研究から砂浜で行うトレーニングが足部内在屈筋および足関節周囲筋筋力の増強に効果があることが示唆された., Purpose: Performing exercises such as towel gathering during foot muscle training is essential in maintaining or improving toe function for athletic performance; however, few investigations have been made on the foot muscle in athletes. The purpose of the present study was to measure and clarify the characteristics of foot region muscular force in athletes from various sports. Subjects and Methods: Subjects were 53 male university student who were divided into 5 game groups (ice hockey, n = 11; judo, n = 8; soccer, n = 10; baseball, n = 10; baseball, n = 9; beach volleyball, n = 5). Measurement were taken of maximum isometric strength of ankle dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion and eversion and intrinsic flexor’ strength.  Results and Discussion: The beach volleyball players had a significantly higher foot and ankle strength than the players of the other sports. We think that, playing on a sandy beach, they need higher muscle force in the foot and ankle region than in other sports. Thus, it is suggested that barefoot exercises on sandy ground is effective in strengthening the foot and ankle muscular strength.}, pages = {101--106}, title = {競技特有の足部内在屈筋および足関節周囲筋の筋力}, year = {2014}, yomi = {マツモト, ヨウ and オカダ, タカシ and オカダ, ナオユキ and ハシモト, トシヒコ} }