@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000127, author = {木内, 一佳志 and KIUCHI, Hiyoshi}, issue = {6}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {クォークとグルオンの物理系は、低温・低密度では、カイラル対称性の破れたハドロン相と なっているが、高温、若しくは高密度では、カイラル対称性が回復し、クォーク・グルオン・ プラズマ相(QGP)  あるいは、カラー超伝導相などとなる。  今回われわれは、有限温度および密度に於いて、2フレーバーカラー超伝導体(2SC) の熱力学を 量子色力学類似有効理論を用いて調べた。中等度のクォーク密度領域に於いて2¢T =0 =3:43kBTc p=pF という結果を得た(¢:ギャップエネルギー, pF :フェルミ運動量、kB:ボルツマン定数, Tc:臨界温 度)。この値は、通常の電子系の超伝導での結果(2Δ = 3:52kBTc) と略同じである。クォーク・ クーパー対の波動関数は規格化定数を別にすれば、温度に依存せず、対のコヒーレンス長は、 臨界温度まで略一定であることが判明した。 一方、エネルギーギャップは、温度の上昇と共 に減少し、臨界温度で零となる。従って、2SC からQGP への2 次相転移は、クォーク・クー パー対の空間構造の不変性と対の減少によって特徴付けられることが判った。, We have investigated the thermodynamics of two-flavor color superconductor (2SC) at finite temperature (T) and quark chemical potential (1) within the framework of a QCD-like effective theory, in which an asymptotically free momentum-dependent running coupling is used. Two kinds of systems have been investigated. One is with a tree-level gluon propagator (model A) and the other is with the lattice-QCD based (LQB) gluon propagator (model B). We have found that 2¢T =0 =3:43kBTc in model B (¢:energy p=pF gap, kB:Boltzmann constant, Tc:critical temperature). This value is very close to the famous BCS result, which is 2Δ = 3:52kBTc. We have found that the coherence length (´) is not affected by T in 2SC, while Δ decreases as T increases and vanishes at Tc. In addition, we have found that the Cooper pair wave function c(p) is not affected by T , apart from normalization constant. With these results, the second-order phase transition between 2SC and a normal quark matter, which is considered to be quark-gluon plasma, can be characterized by the constant spatial structure and decrease in the coherent Cooper pair number with increased T . The quark density of the 2SC has been found to be in a realistic region for compact star core. The value of η in 2SC is shorter than the averaged interquark density (d). The small size of the Cooper pair suggests that they are tightly bound and rather bosonic. Therefore, it is natural that we expect the realizability of quark Bose-Einstein condensation phase. Some of our results, the larger ¢, higher Tc, wider μ region and shorter η in model B suggest that the LQB gluon propagator induces stronger quark-quark interaction than the tree-level one.}, pages = {11--30}, title = {量子色力学類似有効理論に於けるカラー超伝導体の熱力学}, year = {2012}, yomi = {キウチ, ヒヨシ} }