@article{oai:ryotokuji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000103, author = {松田, 雅弘 and Matsuda, Tadamitsu and 塩田, 琴美 and Shiota, Kotomi and 宮島, 恵樹 and Miyajima, Shigeki and 高梨, 晃 and Takanashi, Akira and 野北, 好春 and Nogita, Yoshiharu and 川田, 教平 and Kawada, Kyohei and 渡邉, 修 and Watanabe, Shu and 来間, 弘展 and Kuruma, Hironobu and 妹尾, 淳史 and Senoo, Atsushi and 村上, 仁之 and Murakami, Yoshiyuki and 渡邊, 塁 and Watanabe, Rui}, issue = {5}, journal = {了德寺大学研究紀要, The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University}, month = {}, note = {【はじめに】我々は,規則的に提示する視覚刺激と不規則的に提示する視覚刺激を使い,その刺激に追随す るように手の把握運動を行わせた右利き被験者の報告を行ったが,今回左利き被験者の脳内神経活動を機能 的MRI で検討した. 【対象および方法】対象は神経学的な疾患の既往のない左利き健常成人9 名(平均年齢27.6 歳)であった. MRI はGE 社製1.5T 臨床用MR 装置を使用した.被験者は,MRI 装置内で仰臥位となり,鏡を通して,30 秒間,1Hz の視覚刺激(規則課題),または不規則な間隔で提示される視覚刺激(不規則課題)後に,その 都度,手の把握運動を利き手で行うように指示した.全被験者データを重ね合わせ,uncorrected によって有 意水準0.001 にて有意な活動部位を算出した. 【結果】規則課題では両側補足運動野・前頭前野・帯状回運動野,右感覚運動野,左小脳の賦活が認められた. 不規則課題では両側補足運動野・前頭前野・帯状回運動野・感覚運動野・大脳基底核・小脳の賦活が認めら れた.課題間を比較すると今回定めた関心領域すべてにおいて不規則課題で活動範囲が大きく,信号強度が 強かった.また,感覚運動野・小脳の賦活は規則課題で片側にみられ,不規則課題では両側にみられた. 【考察】今回の結果から,規則課題よりも,不規則課題で神経活動が広汎に及んでいた.右利き者でも今回 の結果と同様に活動がひろがったことから,左利き者でも同様の神経機構が働くことが示唆された.今後, リズムの変動と運動の特性による脳内活動について更に知見を深めていきたいと考えている., [Purpose] We compared neural activity in the brain, monitored by functional MRI( fMRI), during a hand-clenching task performed in response to periodic and aperiodic visual stimuli in left-handed healthy subjects. [Subjects and Methods] Subjects were 9 left-handed healthy adults( mean age: 27.6) with no significant medical history or current medical problems. fMRI images were obtained from subjects in a supine position in a 1.5-T MR scanner. Subjects performed a clench-unclench dominant hand task, in synchrony with the appearance of a visual stimulus under two conditions, periodic( 1Hz) and aperiodic( mean frequency of 1Hz), viewed through a mirror. In statistically comparing the effects of the two conditions on region-specific brain activation, the level of significance was p<0.001 for differences within group analysis. [Results] The periodic task activated the bilateral supplement motor area, bilateral prefrontal cortex, bilateral cingulate motor area, right sensorimotor cortex, and the left cerebellum. The aperiodic task activated the bilateral supplement motor area, bilateral prefrontal cortex, bilateral cingulate motor area, bilateral sensorimotor cortex, bilateral cerebellum, and the bilateral basal ganglia. Activity was significantly more extensive during performance of the aperiodic task. In particular, the aperiodic task demonstrated bilateral hemisphere activation, while the periodic task showed activation in only one hemisphere. [Conclusion] Compared with the periodic task, activation of the brain was significantly more extensive during the aperiodic task. These results suggest that since the left-handed subjects showed the same extension of neural mechanisms as right-handed subjects, left-handed subjects may induce the same neural activity as right-handed subjects. In future study, we will continue to examine neural activity induced by rhythm changes and particular movements.}, pages = {43--52}, title = {規則課題と不規則視覚刺激課題における脳内活動の左利き者の比較 -機能的MRI の分析-}, year = {2011}, yomi = {マツダ, タダミツ and シオタ, コトミ and ミヤジマ, シゲキ and タカナシ, アキラ and ノギタ, ヨシハル and カワダ, キョウヘイ and ワタナベ, シュウ and クルマ, ヒロノブ and セノオ, アツシ and ムラカミ, ヨシユキ and ワタナベ, ルイ} }